Collective exhibition Baleàrics 5 anys – Arxiu del Regne de Mallorca, Palma.

Collective exhibition of Pilar Cerdà “Baleàrics Músics” at Arxiu del Regne de Mallorca, Palma. It is a collective show which has reunited, since 2018, more than a hundred Mediterranean artists during 5 editions: Baleàrics, Baleàrics Músics, Els ODS dels Baleàrics, La mar dels Baleàrics and Drets Humans.

Each artist has created a small format work of art which represents their personal artistic style. Moreover, we have made a charity event out of it and each artist has created a small work of art inside a wooden box which is also modeled by the artist. All profit will be donated to social institutions.

Opening, Tuesday February 7 at 8pm.
Arxiu del Regne de Mallorca.
Ramón Llull Street, num. 3, Palma.

Open from February 7 until March 4, 2023.

Opening hours:
Tuesday & thursday from 9am until 7:30pm.
Monday, Wednesday and friday from 9am to 2:30p.

Sponsored by Fundació Baleària & GOIB.